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Catholic Cursillo

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Note of Gratitude

April 27, 2017 10:19 PM | Anonymous

The Spirit of God is alive and well in Cursillo. One special way is the outpouring of support for families of 5th dayers and those 4th dayers facing significant health challenges. I was one such recipient of Palanca of all kinds over the winter months when faced with a significant health challenge. As some of you know from working weekends together, when I give one of the Grace talks, I mention in an appropriate way, my 30 years challenge with mental illness. What 30

years ago was diagnosed as familial/genetic tendency toward depression with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) has been refined recently amidst this current health setback to Bipolar II. This means I have a depressive tendency along with agitation/anxiety episodes that do not rise to the manic extent. BP II as I call it is treatable with a number of modalities, including medication, but is not curable.

For 25 years this illness was in check with a medication that in the beginning of December last year decided to “poop out” on me; yes - they actually call when a mood disorder medication stops working as, pooping out. To make a long story short, for over 3 months of tweaking my long time medication to balance my brain chemistry only to find out it was no longer working, a whole different drug regimen was begun and the symptoms of BP II have come under control once again.

In addition to my inner circle of family and friends who literally sat at my side during a long period of emotional turmoil that is difficult to describe, the Cursillo network through my friends Gordy and Mary Palzer was put into action. I wish to thank all those who prayed and did Palanca for Rita and I (no I in Team Marriage). Presently on a new drug regimen, along with deliberate attention to coping skills and a heavy dose of ongoing prayer, the stability of my mental health has returned. While still in recovery, which does take time, I repeat to myself often my favorite Hebrew Scripture verse from Psalm 119:105: “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Aah, yes - just enough light to take the next step and in a general direction.


Dn Mick Humbert

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