What is School of Leaders?The School of Leaders is not a school as one would normally think of it. In spite of its name, it is intended to be a place for every member of the Twin Cities Catholic Cursillo to participate. It's a place to find out what is happening and provide input and/or apply your gifts, available time, and desire to help in whatever way makes sense for you. In essence, it is a group of Cursillistas interested in helping Cursillo to fulfill its mission of building God's Kingdom in the Twin Cities. The School of Leaders offers a joyful and educational community experience where all can play a part in the success of Cursillo in the Twin Cities. It is a place to take part in building God's Kingdom in many ways:
All 4th day members are welcome, new Cursillistas and the seasoned. We'd love to have you and look forward to seeing you. Christ is counting on you! | Upcoming events