Twin Cities
Catholic Cursillo

Becoming the Good News!

Weekend General Information

A Cursillo weekend is an opportunity to step away from the sometimes hectic and confusing daily grind and set aside time to nourish your spirit. This encounter with Christ offers an opportunity to expand your prayer life, grow in your faith journey, and learn about a method to keep your faith journey vibrant within a supportive Christian community. Men and women participate in different weekends to facilitate open discussions with same gender participants. Candidates must complete an application, which the Sponsor will submit to the Pre-Cursillo section for processing. An application fee should accompany the application.  The application fee amount is on the online registration page.

Cursillo Encounters are hosted several times per year at different parish locations throughout the St. Paul and Minneapolis Archdiocese. The weekend begins on Thursday evening, when the sponsors and candidates are welcomed by a team of lay people and Spiritual Directors (Priest, Deacons, Sisters) who have planned and prepared for this weekend at the host parish.  Following an introduction activity, the evening will culminate with evening prayers, and quiet time.  A bible, Pilgrims Guide, nametag, and song book are provided.

Each day begins and ends with  prayers in the chapel. Talks relating to ideals, grace, faith, sacraments, and living in Christian community are presented throughout the encounter by lay people and Spiritual Directors. There are opportunities to process and discuss the information in small groups facilated by table leaders.   Daily mass, spiritual direction and the sacrament of reconciliation are offered as a means to further your faith journey. Music, singing, laughter, and a willingness to open your heart and mind to all that God has to offer will enhance this journey.

The weekend will culminate on Sunday with an opportunity to learn more about the larger Twin Cities Cursillo Community and strategies to sustain and invigorate your faith with in a Christian community beyond the weekend experience.

Dress is comfortable and casual.  Dressing in layers and comfortable footwear is recommended. Meals are prepared on-site, and are adjusted to individual dietary needs.  Plan to pack clothing, bedding (including a pillow) towels, flashlight, rosary, reading glasses, medications and toiletries.   Sleeping arrangements are on cots, but you may want to consider bringing an air mattress.

If you are interested in participating in a Weekend Encounter and have not identified a sponsor yet, please contact Pre-Cursillo via e-mail at

Upcoming events

  • April 01, 2025 6:30 PM
    St Bonaventure, Bloomington
  • April 03, 2025 7:00 PM
    St. William Catholic Church, 6120 5th St. NE, Fridley MN
  • April 04, 2025 6:30 PM
    St Nicholas Church 51 Church St, Elko New Market, MN
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