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Catholic Cursillo

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Can You Take a Vacation from Your Vocation?

April 27, 2017 10:14 PM | Anonymous

No, not really. A vocation is defined as a strong summons to a particular course of action. If this course of action is not employment-related but person-related, your vocation will not “take a break” because it is within the core of who you are. During your Cursillo weekend you learned what it means to grow in your own faith, and

experienced how to lead others to a relationship with Jesus. That is discipleship, the vocation you hold as an active Christian in the environments where you find yourself each day.

We recently met with the rector and rectora for the July weekends. They will be disciples and Cursillo leaders on a different level. Through developing the weekend teams, they will prepare the teams to also be disciples on a different level as they work with a particular set of candidates. There is a rhythm of growth in the formation of a

team. The rector and rectora guide the process, and team members’ knowledge of discipleship and leadership expands.

In this process, Christ has plans to bring each one closer to Him in the ways they need. Their Christian vocation specifically as Cursillistas expands. The details of the weekend may change some over time, but the vital elements and messages remain and need no embellishment as the basis of all of it is Christ’s love through friendship. Each

team member, in their vocation, will be going on a three day mission trip to bring Christ into the lives of the candidates and each other.

Equally important to sharing Christ’s love within the 3-Day Encounter is sharing within the Cursillo community. Current 4th dayers simply need to be on mission with each other. This is why we have Ultreyas and other 4th day activities. Attendance supports discipleship on a different level as we interact with others who have different

experiences than our small group. Our sense of living the vocation of discipleship is expanded and elevated with each Cursillista interaction. On mission in our daily lives looks different than serving on a weekend team. Support and encouragement from each other is even more necessary than while on the cloistered 3-Day Encounter.

In addition to the support that we provide each other individually in our small groups, we need to support our broader community in a sense of service, of apostolic action, of outreach, and of mission. We are not Cursillistas only during the Weekends. Continue to practice the Method. Continue to grow in your vocation by participating

in community. We are called to continually serve each other in many ways beyond the 3-Day Encounter.

God bless you friends!

Larry & Jeanne Bendzinski

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