Twin Cities
Catholic Cursillo

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Joy, and Confidence!

February 23, 2017 8:04 PM | Anonymous

We just experienced two powerful Cursillo weekends. Candidates witnessed to the building of community and how they desired to continue to be part of the community after their cloistered Encounter. In three short days they learned about themselves, about Jesus, and about Christian community. They each moved from the way they lived life to a desire to want to know more and live more authentically in union with Christ and the Christian community. Their sponsors and team are critical in assisting them in their desire to find a group, attend Ultreya, and participate in other 4th day activities.

One of the candidates mentioned that God had it right: send Jesus and give him a band of followers to challenge and support each other on their faith journey. This is exactly the method of Cursillo. And it is designed to go beyond the 3-Day Weekend.

Our 4th Day practices parallel a weekend Encounter. We incorporate piety, study, and apostolic action into our everyday life. The main difference is we are no longer cloistered. The same questions and challenges continue to surface as on the weekend, and our personal growth and conversion continues. We support others in the Christian community in their ongoing personal growth and conversion through the methods of grouping and Ultreya, but we also have a new and very important role: introducing Christ to others who have become new friends. We should reach out to new friends just as the team welcomed the candidates to the weekend.

By following the grouping card, bringing others to know Christ though our actions, and supporting Christian community in Ultreyas, we individually and collectively move closer to the authentic person God wants us to be. Living life as a disciple of Christ becomes our primary vocation within the vocations of our individual environments. This works best when living all three legs of the stool.

Imagine a world where everyone lives as disciples of Christ. Peace, love and harmony would reign. Lofty, but necessary goals, that can only be accomplished one friend, one relationship at a time. When was the last time you, or your group, reached out beyond your comfort zone to make a friend and be a friend? Are you praying individually, and as a group, to recognize and receive the person Christ has planned for you to befriend? Is your new friend ready to be introduced to Jesus, and be brought into Christian community?

Most of us were reluctant to attend our Cursillo Encounter, and after doing so wondered why we waited so long. That mountain-top experience may not be repeated very often, but it is replaced by a deep joy and confidence in Christ’s love for each of us. We know the excitement our new Cursillistas feel. Let’s be open to bring others to that love and joy so needed in today’s world.

God bless you friends!

Larry & Jeanne Bendzinski

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