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A Purpose in Every Season

October 26, 2016 9:58 PM | Anonymous

Happy Autumn! I love this season and haven't we been blessed with par-ticularly great weather this year? Crisp air, blue sky, warm sun, and God's colorful beauty on full display both in the changing and fallen leaves.

Recently I spent a wonderful retreat day with several of my Bible study "sisters" at a state park in Northfield, MN. We looked for and discussed what God was teaching us in nature. As we began our hike, we were natural-ly drawn to the beauty of those show-stopping trees, still filled with brilliant changing leaves. Yet as we continued, we began to notice both the beauty and purpose in the not-so-bright as well. In the more bare trees, we could better appreciate the complexity of it's structure and the scripture of the vine and branches came to mind (John 15:5 ). Walking through the fall-en, dry leaves on the ground made a joyful crunching sound. Squirrels de-lighted in finding dropped acorns, which would feed them throughout the winter ahead. And it was the bare spots on the ground that provided the perfect backdrop for a newly fallen maple leaf.

Too often society tells us that only the young, bright and showy are im-portant, but God knows better.

While we were admiring the beauty surrounding a waterfall in the park, my “sister”, Justine, noticed how a small, old tree was literally holding up a larger one that had fallen across the creek. The small, frail tree was almost lost under the new growth of the larger tree, which was thriving despite it's position. We each could clearly see that the only reason the young tree sur-vived and flourished is because the old one held it up.

I was suddenly and profoundly reminded of how my grandma had done just that for me six years ago. My mom's mother was 94 years old in 2010, when my dad, her beloved son-in-law, passed away from cancer at the age of 76. I was very close to both of them, and my cousin went out of his way to travel with my grandma so they could be with us at my father's funer-al. About an hour before the public wake and prayer service, family mem-bers were allowed to say our final goodbyes to my dad at the funeral home. I nervously peeked into the chapel and saw my dad lying there peacefully. My heart skipped a beat to see his sweet face again and I immediately ran to the casket. The grief that came over me when I reached him though was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I said my goodbyes and kissed his forehead, which was now cold and hard, for the very last time. My husband and kids gave me space and stood behind me to take their turns. I so want-ed to be strong for them, yet when I spotted my grandma sitting in a chair a few feet away watching me, I literally fell across the divide, much like that large tree we saw in the park. I laid my head on her lap and sobbed like I never have before, while she tenderly stroked my hair and kissed my head til my tears ran dry. I thanked her for being there, but she acted as though she had received the gift. She instead thanked me and whispered, "I thought God forgot about me, but he just showed me he hasn't! Perhaps the very reason I'm still here is simply so I could hold you up today." How very wise and true, Grandma....and I am forever thankful!

Thank you Lord for the beauty and purpose in ALL you have created. Help me to see you in everyone and in every season!

Mindy Muenzberg

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