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Catholic Cursillo

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My Cursillo Transformation

September 29, 2016 8:32 PM | Anonymous

Just a little over a year ago I walked into my first Cursillo Encounter apprehensive about what the week-end would entail. Wow! I walked out deeply influenced by the whole weekend experience. My faith life has consequently changed because of my Cursillo week-end in addition to the many Cursillo experiences I continue to attend and enjoy including serving on the kitchen team last February. I recently made a list of the many and varied ways Cursillo has influenced my life. I shared the list with my groupies who thought others would enjoy it as well.

What Cursillo has done for me;

 I enjoy going to Sunday Mass more and desire to attend daily Mass whenever possible

 I am open to serving the church

 I have a new appreciation for prayer and have learned how to rely on prayer in my daily life

 I am able to talk much more freely about my faith

 I am able to express my feelings better

 I enjoy religious music

 I understand better what unconditional love and grace are

 I realize what close moments are when I experi-ence them

 I have learned how to ask for forgiveness

 I gained good friendships with great people

Mike Krautkremer

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