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Catholic Cursillo

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A bigger picture...sharing moments from June School of Leaders!

July 28, 2016 9:13 PM | Anonymous

By Mark & Sonia Lager

We lived our Cursillo weekends in the Spring of 2000 at St Timothy’s in Blaine, and have been so richly blessed by the opportunity to learn and participate in the Cursillo Movement! In addition to the activities here in the Twin Cities, we were able to represent you at 8 Regional Encounters, 3 National Encounters, and 1 World Ultreya from places as near as Victoria, Minnesota to as far as Anaheim, California. As we reflect on our journey, a few nuggets come to mind.

The purpose of Regional, National, and World Encounters is fivefold:

Offering Palanca for the Movement

Sharing of cultures and celebrating as one Body of Christ

Developing Christian Friendship

Sharing of Ideas

Conducting the business of Cursillo

We were moved by the presentations at the encounters. But even more, we encountered Christ during interactions with Cursillistas from Australia to Wichita. As one would expect, each diocese is different and therefore, no two dioceses or Cursillo Movements operate in the same manner. We came to understand that distance is a relative thing. We encountered Cursillistas who travel 400 miles one way just to attend their monthly School of Leaders and/or Ultreya. Talk about living commitment to the call of Christ! We in Twin Cities Cursillo are blessed to have a compact and densely populated 4th day environment…..a long travel day for us might be 60 miles…..a far cry from 400! How are we utilizing that grace?

Diocesan Movements - We discovered that for a Cursillo Movement to succeed within a diocese:

* A good relationship with the Bishop and clergy is critical. Cursillo exists in a diocese only with the approval of the Bishop.

* We should not focus too much on the Cursillo Weekend Encounters at the expense of the Pre Cursillo and the Post Cursillo. Equal effort must be made to support the three sections to make sure the 4th Day is able to invite, receive, and provide ongoing support to each other to sustain the movement.

* We must stay true to the original Charism of Cursillo. Instant traditions that start with the best of intentions often lead to stress and anxiety that takes away from the Holy Spirit’s intended message. Keep it simple and follow the Charism as outlined in the “Study of the Charism” blue book.

Leadership and Service –Lessons Learned:

* Leadership is ordinary people asked to do ordinary things –and through the grace of God, these ordinary things become extraordinary!

* School of Leaders is about Cursillistas- friends- coming together on an ongoing basis to develop a closer relationship to Christ, and build friendships as the body of Christ in service to our Lord.

* The 4th Day - local and worldwide- is praying for you while you serve in a leadership position. You feel the support of their prayers.

We receive more graces than we give when we serve.

* Close long term friendships are formed by working together and sharing our love of Jesus Christ.

* Traveling together to Cursillo events is one of the great joys of life. Your friendship moves to a different level after experiencing these trips together.

* How we invite others to participate has a direct impact on how successful the invitation is received. Most of us do not feel qualified to serve in leadership positions. Praying, discerning, and listening to God are critical in the process. Communicating that you have prayed about the opportunity, listened to what God wants, and ultimately saw that person’s face, helps others understand and trust that God will always provide the skills, time, and willingness to serve.

* God bends time and circumstances for us to complete His tasks when we are doing His will.

Attending these Encounters on behalf of Twin Cities Cursillo has been a real gift to us. We look forward to reconnecting with fellow Cursillistas at the National Encounter at Lewis University in Romeoville, Illinois on August 4-7. Twin Cities Cursillo is hosting a Regional Encounter at Holy Name of Jesus in Medina on September 23-25.The 4th Day Encounter is scheduled for November 12h. Please prayerfully consider attending each of these. Even if unable to go, please pray for those attending and for the success of these Encounters so the Cursillo Movement remains vibrant in the Twin Cities and throughout the world.

Attending Regional and National Encounters has deepened our faith, given us hope, helped us understand God is always with us, and shown us what is possible. We are so blessed in Twin Cities Cursillo – let’s continue to pray and support the Movement within this Diocese and throughout the world!

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