Twin Cities
Catholic Cursillo

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The Gift of Welcoming: The Cursillo Community

May 26, 2016 10:02 PM | Anonymous

Where charity and love prevail
There God is ever found.
Brought here together by Christ’s love,
By Love are we thus bound.

Greetings from North Carolina! Some of you may have met James and me when we lived in MN, but I want to extend a sincere thank you to the whole Twin Cities Cursillo community for your gift of welcome and hospitality. You see, through your commitment to living your Fourth Day by weekly grouping, participation in the Ultreya and School of Leaders, and your generous service during the Three Day Weekends, each of you have contributed to the vibrant life of your local Cursillo. This made a huge difference in our lives when we moved to Eden Prairie in the fall of 2010. Once again, thank you!

James and I lived our weekends during the spring of 2000 in the Diocese of Charlotte, NC. We belonged to an active Cursillo community and looked forward to continuing to live a life of grace supported by our Cursillo friends. In 2010, we found ourselves discerning a decision to move to MN. This would be our first move as empty nesters, and we wondered how we would fit into our new environment. After researching the Twin Cities Cursillo on the web, we felt that Cursillo would be the key.

We realized that we would arrive the week before the Women’s weekend at St. Victoria. We made our way through the snow to the Closura and were thrilled with the joy and participation of your community. We met many lovely Cursillistas that afternoon. We were immediately invited to attend the upcoming Western Ultreya.

At Ultreya, again we were warmly welcomed by the community. Many Cursillistas invited us to visit their weekly grouping. Invitation after invitation followed. Not only were we invited to Cursillo events like the School of Leaders and Evenings of Renewal, but we received invitations to go for coffee, share meals, attend Bible study, take walks, visit the homebound, play cards and attend parties. Although that winter was one of your snowiest and had the potential for being very lonely and isolating, the direct opposite was true! We felt included and welcomed.

The Cursillo experience has a way of expanding one’s perspective and one’s mission. We need each other for support as we journey home. We need to be reminded and encouraged to help everyone along The Way. Some may argue that there are other ways to accomplish our mission as Catholic Christians. Isn’t Cursillo a beautiful method to sustain us and propel us on our mission? Doesn’t Cursillo deserve our participation and support to maintain its effectiveness and joy?

Thank you again for your gift of welcome and hospitality. It has been a gift that continues to yield fruit. I encourage you to persevere.


Carole Ball

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